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Medical Claims Processing: Medical Claims Processing Laws

Between dealing with physician, patient, and insurance data, staff in your billing department will be handling a lot of sensitive information. This is why it’s important for everyone in your billing department to understand the laws protecting that information and what they and the practice are responsible for, when it comes to the laws surrounding […]

Dental Claims: How to Bill Dental Claims

Filing dental claims can be somewhat unique to filing other kinds of medical claims, but it’s important that dental practices file these claims for their patients in order to remain competitive. We are going to help you to learn what you’ll need to do to file these dental claims so that your practice can get […]

Medical Claims: How to Review Medical Claims

The medical claim review process can be tedious, time consuming, and even stressful due to a system that is often complex and demands accuracy. However, reviewing your claim denials and rejections on a semi-regular basis can save your practice time and money in the long run by reducing the number or denials that you have […]

Claims Processing: How Claims Are Authenticated

Payment for medical services can be a complicated process due to the involvement of a third party (insurance) with interests of its own. You may already know what the process of submitting a medical claim is like, but what happens after the claim leaves your desk and is sent on to the insurer? Here, we’ll […]

Claims Processing: How to Write a Claim Letter

A health insurance claim letter is a letter a claimant writes to a health insurance company if the claimant’s doctor has not properly filed a medical claim. This letter typically seeks for a reimbursement to the patient after the patient has already paid their medical bill, per the agreement between the claimant and the insurer. […]

Chiropractic Claims: How to Bill Chiropractic Claims

Chiropractic claims are a little different than most other medical claims. Chiropractic services have only recently been considered medically necessary, and only under very specific circumstances. This makes it even more important for claims to be done correctly so as not to be rejected by insurance companies. Who Covers the Procedures?   Most insurance companies […]

Claims Processing: How Claims Are Paid

The claims process starts when a service is rendered to a patient who has medical insurance. Once the service is provided, the patient may be responsible for some out of pocket expense, but the rest will be paid through insurance and will involve communication between the medical practice and the patient’s insurance provider. Here, we’ll […]

Claims Clearinghouse: Are Claims Management Companies Worth It?

At Apex EDI, we’re interested in helping you find the best solutions to your medical claims issues, and avoid pitfalls that cost you time and money over the long run. We know that the world of insurance can be confusing and intimidating, so we want to help pull back the curtain a bit on what […]

Medical Claims Processing: How Are Medical Claims Processed?

Once medical services have been administered to a patient, payment needs to be requested from insurance through appropriate channels. These requests for payment are known as medical claims, and to the lay person, filing them may seem rather complicated. We’re hoping to demystify this process by breaking down the way medical claims are filed and […]

Physical Therapy Claims: A Typical Visit: What your Physical Therapy Claim will Pay For

Physical therapists work with patients to increase strength, flexibility and movement following an illness or injury that results in a change in your physical movement. Seeing a therapist can help you get back to the daily activities you enjoy with a comprehensive recovery treatment plan. You will start with an evaluation to assess your injury […]