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Dental Claims: How to Bill Dental Claims

Filing dental claims can be somewhat unique to filing other kinds of medical claims, but it’s important that dental practices file these claims for their patients in order to remain competitive. We are going to help you to learn what you’ll need to do to file these dental claims so that your practice can get […]

Dental Claims: A Typical Visit to the Dentist

Routine dental checkups are essential to maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. Most dentists recommend visiting at least twice a year, although sometimes more frequent visits are in order depending upon your specific needs and health history. If you are anxious about the appointment, here’s what you can expect during a preventative dental […]

Claims Processing: Dental Claims vs. Medical Claims

There are some similarities between preparing dental claims and medical claims. For example, patient and insurance demographics and insurance information that must be provided to medical carriers are similar. However, there are some very significant differences between the two. While dental carriers typically require a procedure code. Medical carriers not only require procedure code(s) but […]

Dental Claims: What Information is Required for Filing a Dental Claim?

Even though diagnosis and billing codes may vary from patient to patient, a few items are required consistently on each dental claim. We’ll now discuss which items you’ll need to ensure are visible on each claim before submission of payment to the payer. What’s Required The following information is required for filing a dental claim. […]

Dental Claims: Why You Should Use Dental Billing Software

As a dental provider, you wear a lot of hats. Dental claims billing might be one of them. Let’s discuss why it will be beneficial for you and your dental practice to consider using a dental billing software, such as Apex EDI. Specialized Software Dental claims codes are completely different from standard medical claims codes. […]

Dental Claims: Things You Should Know About Submitting Dental Claims

While medical claims billing can be complicated, submitting dental claims is an entirely different beast. Before you submit any dental claims, be sure to educate yourself and your practitioners about the do’s and don’ts of dental claims billing. Paper or E-File? Do you still submit claims for your dental practice through snail mail? It might […]

News & Events: Apex EDI Attending 2012 UDA Convention

Apex EDI will be attending the Utah Dental Association Convention held February 16-17, 2012 in Salt Lake City, UT. The OneTouch® solution enables Dental professionals to get paid fast. Apex EDI has been serving the professional healthcare community for over 15 years with leading-edge technology solutions focused on streamlined and efficient claims processing. The OneTouch® […]

News & Events: Total Dental Administrators Now Accepting Electronic Dental Claims

Total Dental Administrators now accepts electronic dental claims. This is an exciting development for Apex EDI. We are committed to promoting submission electronic healthcare claims and claims sent to Total Dental Administrators represented a significant portion of claims submitted on paper. To submit claims to Total Dental Administrators, please use one of the following addresses: […]

Dental Claims: New Dental Procedure Codes for 2011-2012

by Tom Limoli LIMOLI.com The New Year brings about some rather unique as well as potentially troublesome issues. First off it will be the year I turn 50 and my stepdaughter will no longer be considered a pre-teen. Dr. Tom will have been gone 5 years while Penny and I are just beginning our journey […]

News & Events: Apex EDI Attending Utah Dental Association Convention

Apex EDI will be attending the Utah Dental Association Convention held March 10-11, 2011 in Salt Lake City, UT. The OneTouch® solution enables health care professionals to get paid fast. Apex EDI has been serving the professional dental health care community for over 15 years with leading-edge technology solutions focused on streamlined and efficient claims […]