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Apex EDI

Claim Scrubbing

Apex EDI Solutions - Claim Scrubbing

As a clearinghouse Apex EDI is a leading provider of revenue cycle management solutions. Apex automates workflows by connecting your practice management claim processing system to the payer. Apex EDI takes the headache out of processing medical claims, dental claims, optometry claims, and chiropractic claims. Our solutions simplify the claims delivery process. We offer OneTouch®electronic claims processing, real-time eligibility verification, patient statements delivery, electronic remittance advice (ERA), and tools that accelerate the patient payment collection process.

Apex EDI solutions include:

  • Acceptance of claim files including: ANSI (4010 and 5010), NSF, HCFA and proprietary formats.
  • Eligibility verification.
  • Automated electronic claims submission, management, status, and tracking.
  • Upfront real-time edit/error management and claims scrubbing.
  • Easy-to-understand error and denial explanations; at the claim level and payer EOB level.
  • Electronic remittance retrieval and tracking, including human readable formats.
  • Report generation & data evaluation.
  • Practice management integration capabilities for automated submission and posting of data.

Apex EDI claims scrubbing:

Apex EDI verifies claim files as they are submitted from your software. As your claims are processed we verify the data against guidelines of the 5010 requirements . Verification of data ensures your claims are compatible with the payer.

Apex EDI scrubbing edits include:

  1. Tax ID
  2. Group NPI
  3. Individual NPI’s
  5. ICD-9/10
  6. Modifier not found
  7. National Drug Code Validation
  8. Fee Calculation
  9. Usage Validation
  10. Date of Service
  11. Place of Service – address, city, state, zip
  12. Insured/Subscriber ID content
  13. Other insured
  14. Rendoring provider on file
  15. Referring provider info
  16. Facility provider info
  17. Supervising provider info
  18. Assumed/relinquished dates
  19. Last x-ray date
  20. Line item procedure codes, dates of service, paid amounts, secondary claim data
  21. Payer info – ID, address
  22. Patient Info – name info, relationship, address, age, sex, address, signature
  23. Attachment type & code
  1. The payer address you are using has been marked as invalid in the Apex system. Please verify the address with the payer and correct the address.
  2. The provider’s office has requested that Apex reject all claims for this provider. If this is in error, please contact your Apex Account Manager.
  3. Insured/Subscriber ID is missing.
  4. All characters in the Insured/Subscriber ID are identical. Apex has found this sort of
  5. Insured ID to be invalid.
    Insured/Subscriber ID is invalid.
  6. Patient First Name is missing.
  7. Billing Provider NPI is invalid or missing. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  8. Claim was received with an unknown provider. Please select a provider on the form or contact your Apex Account Manager.
  9. Federal Tax ID is invalid or missing.
  10. The payer requires enrollment. Please contact us for more information.
  11. Referring Provider NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  12. This claim contains a Referring Provider UPIN but no NPI. An NPI for the Referring Provider is required for electronic claims. Please provide the NPI or delete the Referring Provider name and UPIN then resubmit the claim.
  13. Assumed Care Date is invalid.
  14. Relinquished Care Date is invalid.
  15. Assumed Care Date is after the Relinquished Care Date.
  16. The Last X-Ray Date is invalid or missing.
  17. On line item [LINENO], the Procedure Code is missing.
  18. On line item [LINENO], the ‘FROM’ and/or ‘TO’ Date of Service is invalid. Verify the ‘TO’ Date of Service is after the ‘FROM’ Date of Service. Please correct and resubmit the claim.
  19. On line item [LINENO], the Procedure Code is invalid. Procedure codes must be 5 digits in length. Please correct the Procedure Code and resubmit the claim.
  20. On line item [LINENO], the Adjudication Date has been entered, but the Primary Paid Amount is missing. Please enter an amount or delete the Adjudication Date.
  21. On line item [LINENO], the Primary Paid Amount has been entered, but the Adjudication Date is missing. Please enter an Adjudication Date or delete the Primary Paid Amount and resubmit the claim.
  22. The Primary Paid Amount, Patient Responsible Amount, and Adjustment Amount do not sum up to the charged amount on line item [LINENO]. Please double check and correct the amounts entered and resubmit the claim.
  23. On line item [LINENO], there is secondary claim type data (i.e. Adjudication Date, Primary Paid Amount, etc.), but the Other Insured/Subscriber First Name is missing. Please delete the secondary claim type data or add the Other Insured/Subscriber First Name and resubmit the claim.
  24. On line item [LINENO], there is secondary claim type data (i.e. Adjudication Date, Primary Paid Amount, etc.), but the Other Insured/Subscriber Last Name is missing. Please delete the secondary claim type data or add the Other Insured/Subscriber Last Name and resubmit the claim
  25. On line item [LINENO], the Date of Service TO cannot be in the future.
  26. On line item [LINENO], the Adjudication Date cannot be in the future.
  27. On line item [LINENO], the Procedure Code is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  28. On line item [LINENO], the Date of Service is missing or invalid.
  29. Insured/Subscriber First Name is missing.
  30. Insured/Subscriber Address is missing or invalid.
  31. Insured/Subscriber City is missing or invalid.
  32. Insured/Subscriber State is missing or invalid.
  33. Insured/Subscriber Zip Code is missing or invalid.
  34. Insured/Subscriber Date of Birth is missing or invalid.
  35. Insured/Subscriber Gender is missing.
  36. Payer Name is missing.
  37. Payer Address Line 1 is missing or invalid.
  38. Payer City is missing or invalid.
  39. Payer State is missing or invalid.
  40. Payer Zip Code is missing or invalid.
  41. Patient Relationship Code is missing.
  42. Patient Last Name is missing.
  43. Patient Address is missing or invalid.
  44. Patient City is missing or invalid.
  45. Patient State is missing or invalid.
  46. Patient Zip is missing or invalid.
  47. Patient Date of Birth is missing or invalid.
  48. Patient Gender is missing.
  49. Total Claim Charge Amount is missing or invalid.
  50. Provider or Supplier Signature is missing.
  51. Patient Signature is missing.
  52. Payer Claim Control Number is missing.
  53. Attachment Transmission Type Code must be selected.
  54. Attachment Report Type Code must be selected.
  55. Referring Provider Last Name is missing.
  56. Referring Provider NPI is missing.
  57. Service Facility Address Line 1 is missing or invalid.
  58. Service Facility City is missing or invalid.
  59. Service Facility State is missing or invalid.
  60. Service Facility Zip Code is missing or invalid.
  61. Supervising Provider Last Name is missing.
  62. Supervising Provider NPI is missing.
  63. Supervising Provider NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  64. Other Insured/Subscriber Relationship Indicator is missing.
  65. Other Insured/Subscriber Last Name is missing.
  66. Other Insured/Subscriber City is missing or invalid.
  67. Other Insured/Subscriber State is missing or invalid.
  68. Other Insured/Subscriber Zip Code is missing or invalid.
  69. On line [LINENO], the Modifier could not be found in our list of valid modifiers.
  70. Patient Weight is missing.
  71. Acute Manifestation Date is missing or invalid.
  72. Date of Current is missing or invalid.
  73. Initial Treatment Date is missing or invalid.
  74. Last Seen Date is missing or invalid.
  75. Last Menstrual Period Date is missing or invalid.
  76. Hearing/Vision Prescription Date is missing or invalid.
  77. Disability To Date is missing or invalid.
  78. Disability From Date is missing or invalid.
  79. Patient Unable to Work From Date is missing or invalid.
  80. Patient Unable to Work To Date is missing or invalid.
  81. Hospitalization Admission Date is missing or invalid.
  82. Hospitalization Discharge Date is missing or invalid.
  83. Property and Casualty First Contact Date is missing or invalid.
  84. Ambulance Transport Distance is missing or invalid. Ambulance Transport Distance must be present when the Ambulance Transport Reason Code has been selected. The value must be numeric.
  85. Vision Certification Code is missing. Vision Certification Code must be selected when vision category code and/or vision condition code has been selected.
  86. Vision Condition Code is missing. Vision Condition Code must be selected when vision category code and/or vision certification code has been selected.
  87. Vision Category Code is missing. Vision Category Code must be selected when vision condition code and/or vision certification code has been selected.
  88. Diagnosis Code 1 is missing.
  89. Diagnosis Code 1 is invalid.
  90. Diagnosis Code 1 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  91. Diagnosis Code 2 is missing.
  92. Diagnosis Code 2 is invalid.
  93. Diagnosis Code 2 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  94. Diagnosis Code 3 is missing.
  95. Diagnosis Code 3 is invalid.
  96. Diagnosis Code 3 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  97. Diagnosis Code 4 is missing.
  98. Diagnosis Code 4 is invalid.
  99. Diagnosis Code 4 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  100. Diagnosis Code 5 is missing.
  101. Diagnosis Code 5 is invalid.
  102. Diagnosis Code 5 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  103. Diagnosis Code 6 is missing.
  104. Diagnosis Code 6 is invalid.
  105. Diagnosis Code 6 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  106. Diagnosis Code 7 is missing.
  107. Diagnosis Code 7 is invalid.
  108. Diagnosis Code 7 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  109. Diagnosis Code 8 is missing.
  110. Diagnosis Code 8 is invalid.
  111. Diagnosis Code 8 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  112. Diagnosis Code 9 is missing.
  113. Diagnosis Code 9 is invalid.
  114. Diagnosis Code 9 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  115. Diagnosis Code 10 is missing.
  116. Diagnosis Code 10 is invalid.
  117. Diagnosis Code 10 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  118. Diagnosis Code 11 is missing.
  119. Diagnosis Code 11 is invalid.
  120. Diagnosis Code 11 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  121. Diagnosis Code 12 is missing.
  122. Diagnosis Code 12 is invalid.
  123. Diagnosis Code 12 is not valid for the given Date of Service.
  124. Ambulance Pick-Up Address Line 1 is missing or invalid.
  125. Ambulance Pick-Up Location City is missing or invalid.
  126. Ambulance Pick-Up Location State is missing or invalid.
  127. Ambulance Pick-Up Location Zip Code is missing or invalid.
  128. Ambulance Drop-Off Location Address Line 1 is missing or invalid.
  129. Ambulance Drop-Off Location City is missing or invalid.
  130. Ambulance Drop-Off Location State is missing or invalid.
  131. Ambulance Drop-Off Location Zip Code is missing or invalid.
  132. Assistant Surgeon Last Name is missing.
  133. Assistant Surgeon NPI is missing.
  134. Assistant Surgeon NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  135. Billing Provider UPIN or License must be selected.
  136. Billing Provider Secondary ID Type must be selected.
  137. Referring Provider Secondary ID Type must be selected.
  138. Rendering Provider Entity Qualifier is invalid must be Person or Non-Person Entity.
  139. Service Facility Secondary ID Type must be selected.
  140. Supervising Provider Secondary ID Type must be selected.
  141. Other Payer Id Code Qualifier must be “PI” or “XV”.
  142. Other Payer Referring Provider Secondary ID Type must be selected.
  143. Other Payer Rendering Provider Secondary ID Type must be selected.
  144. Other Payer Billing Provider Secondary ID Type must be selected.
  145. On line item [LINENO], the Measurement Qualifier must be selected.
  146. On line item [LINENO], the Measurement Reference ID must be selected.
  147. Rental Unit Price Indicator must be selected.
  148. On line item [LINENO], the Unit of Measurement basis code must be selected.
  149. On Line Item [LINENO], the Purchased Service Provider Secondary ID is missing.
  150. On Line Item [LINENO], the Ordering Provider Secondary ID is missing.
  151. On Line Item [LINENO], the Referring Provider Secondary ID is missing.
  152. Claim Adjustment Group Code on line item [LINENO] must be selected.
  153. If the destination payer is Medicare and the payer is also a secondary payer, the Insurance Type Code is required.
  154. DMERC Report Type Code must be selected.
  155. DMERC Transmission Type Code must be selected.
  156. Insured/Subscriber SSN is invalid.
  157. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Transport Reason Code is invalid.
  158. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Transport Reason Code Distance is invalid.
  159. On line item [LINENO], the Place of Service is invalid.
  160. Property and Casualty Contact Name is invalid.
  161. Other Insured/Subscriber Address is invalid.
  162. On line item [LINENO], Diagnosis Pointer 1 is invalid.
  163. On line item [LINENO], Diagnosis Pointer 2 is invalid.
  164. On line item [LINENO], Diagnosis Pointer 3 is invalid.
  165. On line item [LINENO], Diagnosis Pointer 4 is invalid.
  166. On line item [LINENO], the Test Date must be present if Test Measurement Value is present.
  167. On line item [LINENO], the Quantity is invalid.
  168. On line item [LINENO], the PRQI Codes should be billed with a zero dollar amount.
  169. E-Code can not be the primary Diagnosis Code.
  170. The Provider UPIN is invalid. Please correct and resubmit the claim.
  171. The Provider License number is formatted as a UPIN. Please correct and resubmit the claim.
  172. If the destination payer is Medicare and the payer is also a secondary payer, the Insurance Type Code is required.
  173. Unable To Work To date is after the Unable To Work From date.
  174. Hospitalization To date is after the Hospitalization From date.
  175. On line item [LINENO], the NDC Unit or Basis of Measurement is not present.
  176. On line item [LINENO], the NDC Quantity is not present.
  177. Auto Accident State Code is missing or invalid.
  178. If Other Insured/Subscriber Relationship Code is Self, Other Insured/Subscriber First Name should match Patient First Name.
  179. If Other Insured/Subscriber Relationship Code is Self, Other
  180. Insured/Subscriber Last Name should match Patient Last Name.
  181. Insured/Subscriber First Name must match Patient First Name if relationship is self.
  182. Insured/Subscriber Last Name must match Patient Last Name if relationship is self.
  183. Insured/Subscriber Birth Date must match Patient Birth Date if relationship is self.
    Insured/Subscriber Gender must match Patient Gender if relationship is Self.
  184. On Line Number [LINENO], Tooth Surface Number 1 contains an invalid Tooth Surface.
  185. On Line Number [LINENO], when the Prosthesis, Crown, or Inlay Code indicates Replacement, Prior Placement Date must be present and valid.
  186. On Line Number [LINENO], when the Prosthesis, Crown, or Inlay Code indicates Replacement, and Prior Placement Date is valid, the Prior Placement Date Qualifier must be present and valid.
  187. Special Program Indicator is set to a Medicaid Only value when Claim Filing Indicator is not set to Medicaid. Please call your Apex Account Manager for assistance.
  188. Accident Date must be in the past.
  189. If Auto Accident or Other Accident is selected, Accident Date must be valid.
  190. On line item [LINENO], a Date of Service is present. A Predetermination of Benefits/Preauthorization claim cannot carry a Date of Service.
  191. On line item [LINENO], the Date of Service is missing.
  192. On line item [LINENO], the Date of Service is missing. A Date of Service must be present for all line items, or no line items. The claim cannot have some lines with a Date of Service, and some without a Date of Service.
  193. On line item [LINENO], the Quantity is invalid.
  194. Assumed start date cannot be in the future.
  195. Attachment Report Type Code is invalid.
  196. Attachment Report Type Code is invalid.
  197. Chiropractic claims must carry an Initial Treatment Date, Date of Current, or a line item Date of Service.
  198. The patient relationship for Medicare claims must be self.
  199. The payer Family Health Partners requires an Insured/Subscriber ID with 11 digits with the first 3 digits being 001.
  200. Treatment Resulting From is either missing or Treatment Resulting From is not selected as Auto Accident but the Auto Accident State is indicated.
  201. Patient Date Of Birth is within 60 days of a service line. Relationship Code must be self.
  202. Initial Treatment Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  203. Date of Current must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  204. Accident Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  205. Acute Manifestation Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  206. Last Seen Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  207. Last Menstrual Period Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  208. Last X-Ray Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  209. Hear/Vision Rx Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  210. Assumed Care Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  211. Relinquished Care Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  212. Disability From Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  213. Disability To Date must be later than Patient Date of Birth.
  214. Accident Date must be present.
  215. On line item [LINENO], the Referring Provider NPI is missing.
  216. On line item [LINENO], the Referring Provider Last Name is missing.
  217. On line item [LINENO], the Referring Provider NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  218. On line item [LINENO], the Rendering Provider NPI is missing.
  219. On line item [LINENO], the Rendering Provider NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  220. On line item [LINENO], the Supervising Provider NPI is missing.
  221. On line item [LINENO], the Supervising Provider Last Name is missing.
  222. On line item [LINENO], the Supervising Provider NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  223. When the Disability To Date is present, the Disability From Date is required.
  224. Disability To Date must be later than Disability From Date.
  225. The payer Kitsap Physician Services (KPS)/Group Health Cooperative (GHC) require an Individual Relationship Indicator of self.
  226. Accident Date cannot be in the future.
  227. On line item [LINENO], the Replacement Date is invalid.
  228. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Pick-Up Address Line1 is missing or invalid.
  229. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Pick-Up City is missing or invalid.
  230. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Pick-Up State is missing or invalid.
  231. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Pick-Up Zip is missing or invalid.
  232. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Drop-Off Address Line1 is missing or invalid.
  233. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Drop-Off City is missing or invalid.
  234. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Drop-Off State is missing or invalid.
  235. On line item [LINENO], the Ambulance Drop-Off Zip is missing or invalid.
  236. On line item [LINENO], the Date of Service FROM cannot be in the future.
  237. On line item [LINENO], the Attachment Report Type Code is missing or invalid.
  238. On line item [LINENO], the Ordering Provider Last Name is missing.
  239. On line item [LINENO], the Ordering Provider NPI is missing.
  240. On line item [LINENO], the Ordering Provider NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  241. Rendering Provider NPI present, Last Name is missing.
  242. Rendering Provider Last Name present, NPI is missing.
  243. Rendering Provider NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  244. Assistant Surgeon Taxonomy is missing or invalid.
  245. Rendering Provider Taxonomy is missing or invalid.
  246. On line item [LINENO], the Assistant Surgeon Last Name is missing.
  247. On line item [LINENO], the Assistant Surgeon NPI is missing.
  248. On line item [LINENO], the Assistant Surgeon NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  249. On line item [LINENO], the Assistant Surgeon Taxonomy is missing or invalid.
  250. Other Insured/Subscriber Name is missing.
  251. Other Insured/Subscriber ID is missing.
  252. Other Insured/Subscriber Relationship ID is missing.
  253. On line item [LINENO], Tooth Surface Number 2 contains an invalid Tooth Surface.
  254. On line item [LINENO], Tooth Surface Number 3 contains an invalid Tooth Surface.
  255. On line item [LINENO], Tooth Surface Number 4 contains an invalid Tooth Surface.
  256. On line item [LINENO], Tooth Surface Number 5 contains an invalid Tooth Surface.
  257. When Date of Accident is present the Patient’s Condition Related To must be selected.
  258. On line item [LINENO], Tooth [TOOTHNO] is not a valid Tooth Number.
  259. Insured Patient Date of Birth is missing or invalid.
  260. Insured Patient Gender is missing or invalid.
  261. Other Insured is marked no and other insured contains information. Either mark as yes or remove the other insured information.
  262. The Billing Provider Address we have on record contains a ‘PO BOX’ in the address. This is an invalid address format for 5010 transactions. Please contact your Apex Account Manager to update your Biiling Provider address information.
  263. The Billing Provider Address sent on the claim contains a PO Box. The Billing Provider Address must be a street address. PO Box or Lock Box addresses are to be sent in the Pay-To Address.
  264. The Subscriber must contain a valid address under Subscriber or Patient when relationship is self.
  265. Other Subscriber ID is invalid.
  266. Claim must have at least one service line to submit.
  267. A Submitter ID is required for this payer. Please contact the Apex Enrollment Specialist for assitance at 800.840.9152.
  268. On line item [LINENO], the Secondary Claim Adjudication Date and Primary Paid Amount are missing, and this is a Secondary claim.
  269. On line item [LINENO], the amount is missing.
  270. Prior Authorization Number is missing or invalid.
  271. On Line Item [LINENO], a Tooth Number must be supplied for this Procedure Code.
  272. On Line Item [LINENO], a Tooth Surface must be supplied for this Procedure Code.
  273. On Line Item [LINENO], a Quadrant must be supplied for this Procedure Code.
  274. Payer Requires Group Number.
  275. Other Subscriber requires a Date of Birth.
  276. If the Primary Paid Amount and Adjudication Date are supplied, the claim must specify Other Subscriber Last Name.
  277. Service Facility NPI is invalid. Please verify NPI with NPPES at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/NPIRegistryHome.do
  278. Patient Zip Code is invalid for the given City.
  279. Insured Zip Code is invalid for the given City.
  280. On Line Item [LINENO], Claim is Secondary, missing Adjudication Information
  281. Denti-Cal allows a subset of possible Place of Service Codes.
  282. Other Payer Zip Code is missing or invalid
  283. A Prior Authorization number has been supplied on this claim. The Request for Predetermination/Preauthorization must be unselected and a Date of Service provided on Line Item [LINENO].
  284. On line item [LINENO], Office Ally does not accept D1352, please use a different procedure code
  285. One line item [LINENO], Preauthorization Claim Procedure Code is not valid for the current year
  286. Care Plan Oversight Number must be a valid NPI.
  287. Other Subscriber First Name is missing
  288. Other Subscriber First Name is missing
  289. The Primary Paid Amount and Adjustment Amounts do not sum up to the charged amount on the claim. Please double check and correct the amounts entered and resubmit the claim.
  290. The Primary Paid Amount and Adjustment Amounts do not sum up to the charged amount on the claim. Please double check and correct the amounts entered and resubmit the claim.
  291. On line item [LINENO], the NDC Quantity is invalid.
  292. Tertiary information found. Please remove the tertiary information and resubmit the claim.
  293. On line item [LINENO], Claim is Secondary, but Adjustment Amount is missing. Please enter an Adjustment amount or remove Secondary Information.
  294. Group Benefit Administrators requires a group number of 050, 060, 081, 064 or 084 on all claims. Please add the correct group number to this claim and click ‘save changes’ or resubmit the claim. If you are not sure which group number to use, please contact Group Benefit Administrators at (800) 657-5377.
  295. Corrected, Replacement, and Void claims require a Original Ref Number in Box 22. Please supply the missing information and resubmit the claim.
  296. For Medicare claims, you must select Yes or No in Box 27 Accept Assignment
  297. Our records indicate that we are missing information needed to send to this payer. Please contact your Apex Account Manager to update your Provider Name information.
  298. On line item [LINENO], the adjustment reason code is invalid. Please provide a correct code and click on “Save Changes” to validate your claim. If needed please refer to http://www.wpc-edi.com/reference/codelists/healthcare/claim-adjustment-reason-codes/ for a list of valid adjustment reason codes.
  299. If one line item has a Payer Paid Amount, all line items must have a Payer Paid Amount
  300. All line item Payer Paid Amounts must sum up to the Claim level Payer Paid Amount
  301. Attachment Control Number is Invalid.
  302. This claim was sent with a “Secondary Claim” indicator. However, there is no other secondary claim information provided on the claim. Either correct and resubmit the claim from your practice software, or enter the primary payer information and other insured information and save your changes.
  303. Attachment Control Number is Missing
  304. If Replacement Prothesis, then Prior Prothesis Date is Required
  305. Prior Prothesis Date must be in the past
  306. Prior Prothesis Date must be in the past
  307. On line item [LINENO], Too Many Claim Adjustment Segments

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