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Dental Claims: Why You Should Use Dental Billing Software

As a dental provider, you wear a lot of hats. Dental claims billing might be one of them. Let’s discuss why it will be beneficial for you and your dental practice to consider using a dental billing software, such as Apex EDI. Specialized Software Dental claims codes are completely different from standard medical claims codes. […]

Dental Claims: Things You Should Know About Submitting Dental Claims

While medical claims billing can be complicated, submitting dental claims is an entirely different beast. Before you submit any dental claims, be sure to educate yourself and your practitioners about the do’s and don’ts of dental claims billing. Paper or E-File? Do you still submit claims for your dental practice through snail mail? It might […]

Dental Claims: New Dental Procedure Codes for 2011-2012

by Tom Limoli LIMOLI.com The New Year brings about some rather unique as well as potentially troublesome issues. First off it will be the year I turn 50 and my stepdaughter will no longer be considered a pre-teen. Dr. Tom will have been gone 5 years while Penny and I are just beginning our journey […]